Boarding from NY to Nashville
Skippy picked me up, and had a cute little sign to welcome me. We then drove 2 hours back to camp, but stopped of at McDonalds for some dinner. I then met some of the other counsellors at Belews Dairy Bar, which sells shakes, ice cream, sundaes, cheap hamburgers etc... It was really nice. The next day was a day of helping clean up some stuff on camp as there was a bit of flooding a few weeks ago. Shoony, Kaya, Dory, Clover, Skippy and I went and cleaned out the boat barns (paddle beach and big boating), then we went and set up the campers beds at a unit called lions den. Later on some of the counsellors from Pennyroyal (our sister camp) showed up and there was another girl from New Zealand! Her camp name was Haka, and she was from Ohope. After they got a tour around camp we all went back to Belews for some dinner.
At the moment we get to stay in the lodge, which has air conditioning and hot water in the showers. Once training starts we have to move into the units outside which have no air conditioning, but hey its all part of the experience right! The next day we did pretty much the same things (washed the sailing boats), except we took a trip to Walmart! There was a subway in walmart, that had foot long subs for $6! We ate some subway, then I went and bought sandals, a phone, a watch and sunglasses. They were all so cheap! My sunglasses were $5 and the watch was only $7. I definately wish that New Zealand had a Walmart. It's quite hot here, about 30 degrees at least, and a bit humid. They have intense lighting and thunder here which I find amazing; the whole sky lights up and flashes. The camp is really beautiful, set just next to Kentucky lake, and has beautiful fauna (except for poison ivy!). And I know some of you (aka mum and brittany) will be please to hear that Kaya set up a worm farm so we can compost our food scraps!
Turtle I saw
Tonight we went to a restaurant called Patties which was really delicious! I had a big chicken breast with a salad and these chips called steak fries which looked more like giant wedges to me. We got up and sang a camp song for the waitress, and then another group eating wanted us to perform to them to! (I've started to catch onto the camp songs). Some of the camp songs have a real southern american accent to them, and when I try the americans just crack up laughing.
Anyway sorry for my bad grammar, its late and i'm really tired! Tomorrow camp training starts, and we have to start getting up at 7am and training ends at 10pm. Should be fun!
Until next time!
yay!! worm farm!! :D and yay shopping in walmart !! i wonder how long you'll get teased for your NZ accent?? ahaha. LOVE YOU!!