Blue Mountains
We hopped in the car and drove for two hours to the Blue Mountains. I don’t know much about the Blue Mountains, but what I do know is that it is a big vast canyon that gets it name from the blueish haze in the mornings. After being to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, I didn’t think much of the size of the Blue Mountains, but it was still pretty. They have a formation of rocks that are called the ‘Three Sisters’. It is three tall rocks next to each other in a row. You can walk to them, there’s a little bridge. They are somehow special and spiritual to the Aborigines, I can’t remember how.
The Three Sisters
Camiel at Blue Mountains
It was stinking hot, again. Apparently there’s a heat wave coming! We drove to a parking and looked out some look outs and did a short walk to a look out over a beautiful waterfall. There were heaps of people down at the waterfall swimming, but they had a long way to walk back up again! At the mountains you could look forever endlessly, and there would be no end. The canyon stretched right out into the horizon, and you could see walking tracks in the distance. We went to another look out which looked out to the ‘Three Sisters’. It was a little disappointing how they had put a bridge to it because now in all the photos there will be a man made structure next to a natural creation. They weren’t that big either.
That’ pretty much all we did, although it took the whole day because we had to drive around and navigate. We got back to Wilhelmina and Johns at about 7.30 for some home made burgers which we super yummy, then headed off to bed.
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