Bunnings! (for Ross)
The weather was sunny in Cairns, and as we were driving through the city some idiot ran a red light and dad had to slam on the breaks as he zoomed right infront of us, inches away. It was so freaky. People were slamming on their breaks and tooting their horns and the idiot just zoomed right through the red light at at least 80 km/ph. After this, we drove south of Cairns and took a detour route to see some waterfalls. The rain decided to come back, so what was supposed to be a nice scenic drive turned into a foggy wet drive.
Nevertheless, our crazy family still decided to go and visit the waterfalls. We parked up at the parking lots, I put on my bikini and saved my dry clothes for when I came back, put my camera in a plastic bag, and we all counted down from three and opened the doors, shut them, and ran down the bush track to the waterfalls. The tracks would only be two minute walks, but we still ran for our life because it was now only 20 degrees and we were getting soaked. Once at the waterfall mum and I would pull out our cameras and try to protect them from the rain and snap our photos. The falls were huge long skinny ones which would pelt down into a swimming hole. There was even one crazy family who decided to go and have a swim in the swimming hole. They were only in there for about 30 seconds until they realised they were crazy to do this in the cold and the rain haha.
After the waterfalls we headed down to Innisfail to a public campground in Etty Bay. There were heaps of tea farms on the drive south. Etty bay is the only place known where the Cassowary’s come so close to the humans. We spotted a Cassowary and stopped to take photos as we thought this was a once in a lifetime thing to actually see one. We continued on to the campground only to be greeted by 4 Cassowary’s roaming around the campground coming right up close to you. There were adults and babies, and Esmee decided to pretend that she was a baby Cassowary and tried to make friends with them. There was no kitchen at the campground, so we had ‘lunch’ for dinner. This means we had bread rolls with cheese and lettuce. They had a stinger safe area on the beach which had a net around one section of the beach which was safe for swimming in, but it was dark by now. Esmee and I thought we saw a kookaburra on top of a power line, but it was too small to be one. Walking through the campground, Esmee and I spotted 7 frogs that jumped around the grass. They can jump pretty fast! Time to rest up for another day of driving tomorrow.
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