The last 6 months have been a whirlwind of excitement, nerves, plans, Australia, work, friends and family. I still remember sitting at my interview in Starbucks in October, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach. I’ve wanted to do Camp America since I was 14. Who wouldn’t? I love travel, and the sound of making life long friends, having an amazing experience and travelling all at the same time sounded awesome to me. After seeing Ross off to Missouri on Friday last week, i’ve had a few days to prepare myself for my adventure.
I had a leaving barbecue on Saturday, which was a great success (thank you too all who came!). I cooked a bit too much food, but compliments were that the food was delicious. On Sunday my family and I and Kristen went up to Otaki to visit the outlet shops and buy some nice icebreakers and other camping needs. Monday was a day of gathering things I wanted to pack, and moving them upstairs so I could spread it out and look over everything I wanted to take with me, as well as dinner at the Stewarts. Yesterday I went to Victoria University, to what was suppose to be my first management lecture with Brittany, however public transport was hopeless, and I turned up late, meaning Brittany was late, and then 10 minutes into our lecture the fire alarm went off. So really, it was a sneak peak. Then I went to Steve and Suzanne's (Ross's parents) house for dinner. I hung out with my friends in the library where they decorated a scrap book to give me for my travels (thanks girls =] ).
Trying on Icebreakers at the store in OtakiIt’s the night before I leave. Today has pretty much been a day of packing and getting last minute things sorted. Mum and I sat down upstairs and squashed everything into my two bags. I was nervous about the weight, but they were both under 15kg which was good! I’m just a little nervous as I am only allowed to bring a total of 20kgs from London to Dublin. Therefore I’m gonna have to chuck a lot of stuff out, but I can imagine things like my shoes will be really worn out by the end of camp anyway. Mum and I went out to Porirua this morning and bought a new phone as the phone I currently have will not work in the states. I will get an American Sim card when I get there, so If you would like to know my number so you can send me a txt (which I think I will have to pay the bill for), let me know and I will email it to you as soon as I have.
The scrapbook my friends made for me
So many little things I have had to think about, such as batteries that need to be charged before I leave, iPod charged, do I have enough US cash in my wallet for McDonalds at LA (tradition!), and things that I have had to pack which I never really thought about packing. Everyday things that you use for granted such as tissues and hair ties. I’m excited for my flights, I love flying and can’t wait to see what movies they have on the plane - I need something to look forward to! My stop overs are really short. I have 2 1/2 hours in LA, and 2 hours in New York, and land in Nashville Tennessee at 10pm on Friday (10pm Nashville time, not NZ). I’m a bit nervous about the camp I am going to, as there is no electricity in my tent and apparently the raccoons and mice sneak around at night! I also have a long drop, unless I want to walk for 15 minutes to the main hall for a proper toilet, however walking for 15 minutes in the dark where wild grizzly bears walk around does not sound nice to me!
Thank you to everybody who has offered me their support in the past 6 months, and wished me bon voyage. I will update my blog as often as I can while at camp, although there will be limited internet access. I am back to NZ on the 12th of January 2011 so see you all then!
I look forward to your comments, emails and phone calls over the next 8 months.